May 22, 2020
Hello Volleyball Enthusiasts,
We wanted to give you an update on the W.A.V.E. Volleyball Camp’s status in light of Manitoba’s Phase Two DRAFT plan.
While we are still waiting on word of what Phase two will look like, we are still in consultation with Volleyball Canada and Volleyball Manitoba for direction on a Return to Play policy and procedures.
Currently, Manitoba’s Draft of Phase 2 reopening will include day camps as well as children’s sports. There are recommendations of a maximum of 24 people and we are seeking clarification of whether that includes our coaches.
Based on these numbers, we are at capacity in Sessions 1, 2, and 3. While we are still taking registrations, any registrations on May 22nd or later, will be considered on our waiting lists. Athletes will move from the waiting list into our camp participation list once we receive the green light to move ahead with our camps.
For Session 4, we are nearing capacity in that camp as well. We will be taking registrations but will inform any registrations if they registered past the “24th” participant and will be on a waiting list.
As the regulations and guidelines are changing at a rapid pace, it may mean that our number of participants can change either way. We will be reviewing and accepting participants based on Manitoba public health’s recommendations, the guidelines of College Universite St. Boniface, and Volleyball Canada and Volleyball Manitoba.
We were planning to finalize details by mid July for our camp. That is still our goal. We will continue to provide updates as necessary. Stay safe and be well. The reason why Manitoba is in the position we are in now is because of our response and respect of the guidelines and recommendations. Thank you to you all and we hope to be back on the courts soon!
Tim Au & Colin Mcdonald
Camp Directors