
WinMan Athlete Sponsorship Program

The WinMan Volleyball Club was established in 2003 and is now one of the largest and most successful volleyball clubs in Canada. With more than 200 athletes, coaches, and volunteers involved in our club, each year, we take pride that we have established a tradition of excellence on and off the court. As a not for profit organization, our vision is to continually promote both volleyball and personal excellence for each athlete and a life long love of the game in a caring, respectful and supportive environment. More importantly, we believe that volleyball is more than just a game; with WinMan it is a life experience.

All product/discount and monetary sponsorships will go directly towards enhancing the experience for our athletes in the program. We have multiple levels of sponsorship, each carrying their own forms of recognition. Your sponsorship not only buys you a full seasons worth of exposure for your company through club activities, but it also flows through to the early, middle years and high school programs on which many of our athletes compete. If you have any ideas of ways you would like us to represent you – we are always open to new ideas.

You can reach Sharlene Keenas, Assistant Club Director, at sharlenewinman@gmail.com and discuss your vision for our future as a partnership. Below is a list of our sponsorships. We are thankful for your generosity and hope we can build a long relationship with your business that helps both of our organizations.


WinMan Partnerships 2024

Winters Auto Service & Collision Repair