As per the new public health orders that come into effect on Sunday May 9th, all training for the 2021 season will conclude on Saturday May 8th.
As we have come to the end of the season, we would like to thank everyone involved for following the Covid protocols which enabled us to train safely for 2 full months. Covid restrictions created a situation that no one was familiar with. Although disappointing to lose the season as we usually know it, we welcomed the opportunity to train. Hopefully, we will not have to experience this again – let’s hope the 2022 Club Season is a regular one!
Our sincere thanks to our families for their ongoing support which enabled our athletes to develop their skills and participate in doing something they love. Thanks to our coaches for countless hours of preparation and dedication in having organized and beneficial training sessions that kept our athletes safe and engaged in their development. Special thanks to our athletes for their determination and diligence in working hard to become better athletes and more importantly better people. We received many compliments from facility workers regarding how our teams conducted themselves. You make us PROUD!
We hope that after these next three weeks of restrictions, that our health situation will improve to allow opportunities for other activities. Volleyball Manitoba is hosting a summer beach volleyball league for youth that may allow for competition as it is outdoors. As well, we have several athletes who participate in other summer sports teams, others starting summer jobs and many enjoying family time at cabins and cottages. We also hope the break from training will give our athletes the opportunity to put a bigger focus on finishing up school assignments and preparing for final evaluations so that they can achieve the best marks possible.
Please refer to our website and social media platforms for the opportunity to enroll in our summer camp if that interests you. Our graduating athletes also can apply for our annual Winman Scholarship. (advertised on our website and social media).
In the next week, we will be communicating with our facilities and requesting refunds for the time that we have prepaid for for the rest of the month of May. We will be in touch shortly regarding a final invoice of fees for the year.
Thanks again for being great WinMan ambassadors! We wish everyone a safe and happy summer and we hope to see you all next year!
Sharlene and Tim