Mar 13, 2020
Dear WinMan Athletes and Community,
Your health and safety are important to us. As we continue to monitor the current situation surrounding COVID-19, we wanted to share the steps that we are taking to ensure the safety of our community and our families.
As you may have seen, Volleyball Manitoba has suspended all Club Volleyball Activity until further notice. In addition, the gyms that we rent as training facilities have now suspended our rental contracts.
As the effects of COVID-19 are rapidly changing, we are unsure of anything else at this time, including the National Championships in May.
Volleyball Canada has issued a statement that an official announcement regarding Nationals will be made by April 15th.
The health and safety of our athletes and our community is of great concern, and we are closely following public health guidelines as well as the direction from our governing bodies.
An update on Volleyball Canada Nationals and other programs can also be found here: https://volleyball.ca/en/news/volleyball-canada-update-covid-19
We thank you all for your cooperation, understanding and support during this time.
The following resources are available for further information:
Public Health Agency of Canada
Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living
We will provide updates as necessary.
Be safe, be well, and take care.
Tim Au & Sharlene Keenas
Club Directors
WinMan Volleyball Club