
16U Boys WinMan were Clutch in the Prov Tourney!

  Congratulations goes out to our WinMan Clutch team for winning the 16U Providence Tourney this past weekend. WinMan Clutch beat the WinMan Bounce team in the tournament finals 25-14 and 25-18. Again another tournament dominated by WinMan. Keep up the great work coaches and athletes. #winmanstrong

WinMan Warriors – Celebrating Our Leaders

The WinMan Volleyball Club would like to congratulate the following athletes for being nominated by their coaches as WinMan Warriors.  Each athlete recognized will receive the following: a t-shirt and pizza coupons from Boston Pizza.  WinMan Warriors is sponsored by HomeRun Sports and Boston Pizza.  Thank you WinMan Warriors for being model athletes and exceptional

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WinMan 14U Girls Capture Gold

Congratulations goes out to our 14U Girls team – WinMan Whip – as they captured gold this past weekend.  The girls have been putting in a lot of hard work in their training sessions and it is paying off.  Hats off to the coaches Sara and Jaclyn for pushing your athletes to be better on

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WinMan Boys Dominate

Congratulations goes out to the boys and coaches of our 14U and 15U teams.  This past weekend, in Selkirk, WinMan had a very strong presence in the volleyball community.  It was a WinMan  final with our WinMan Warriors beating WinMan Tempest in three sets.  All of your handwork is paying off gentlemen.  To all of

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16U Boys WinMan Clutch play  WinMan Bounce in Finals!

  The WinMan 16U boys demonstrated their strong presence at the Tsunami Volleyball Tournament this past weekend. Both 16U boys teams played in the finals. WinMan Clutch were victorious beating Bounce two straight sets. Congrats to both teams on a great showing for the first tournament of the club season. 

11th Annual WinMan Volleyfest a HUGE Success!

On Feb 20th, the WinMan Club Directors hosted the 11th annual WinMan Volleyfest. The WinMan Volleyfest is our interclub co-ed tournament for our 15 & 16U athletes. Volunteers from our 13 & 14U teams scorekept, and our 17 & 18U teams were the officials. Our volunteer coaches came from within our club community. The last

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11th Annual WinMan Volleyfest

On Saturday Feb 20th, 2016, WinMan will be hosting the 11th Annual WinMan Volleyfest. The WinMan Volleyfest is a Inter-Club Co-ed tournament played by the 15/16U athletes, and minor officiated by the 13/14U athlete volunteers, and officiated by the 17/18U athlete volunteers. Teams are coached by WinMan coaching staff and volunteers. It is a day

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Performance Psychology Consultant

As shared at our parent meeting, Saul Shrom is offering his Performance Psychology Consultant services to the members of WinMan Volleyball Club.   If you are interested in finding out more information, please feel free to contact Saul at: saulshrom@hotmail.com  and 204-890-3443 A brief biography on Saul can be found here: Saul Shrom Biography  

Mighty Mites 12 & Under Volleyball Camp Registration

The Mighty Mites 12 & Under Volleyball Camp registration is now closed. The camp will begin this coming Friday January 8th, 2016. There are still some spaces available. If you are interested in registering, please email winmanvball@gmail.com  

Athlete/Parent Meeting – Tuesday, Jan. 5th

   The WinMan Parent/Athlete/Coaches meeting schedule is as follows: Location: Bernie Wolfe Community School Theatre. Please park in the parking lot and use the South East Entrance to the school. Times: 6:15-7:15pm 16U Boys and Girls  7:30-8:30pm 13/14U Boys and Girls  8:45-9:45pm 15/17/18U Boys and Girls