Registration Categories

November 6, 2015


Volleyball Canada has expanded the age categories to a 16 Month category effective the 2015-16 Club Volleyball year.

Please see these guidelines and register for the appropriate age category for your tryouts.

18U: Athletes born from September 1, 1997 to Dec 31 1998 (16 months) AND are in their first year of grade 12.

17U: Athletes born from September 1, 1998 to Dec 31 1999 (16 months)

16U: Athletes born from September 1, 1999 to Dec 31 2000 (16 months)

15U: Athletes born from September 1, 2000 to Dec 31 2001 (16 months)

14U: Athletes born from September 1, 2001 to Dec 31 2002 (16 months)

13U: Athletes born after September 1, 2002

WinMan Volleyball Club proudly supports the Long Term Athlete Development Model and believe that athletes should be playing within their developmental age categories. If your son or daughter has a Sept-Dec birthdate and is eligible for multiple age categories, there are many social and developmental factors to consider. If you have any questions about selecting the appropriate age category, please feel free to contact Club Director, Tim Au, our leading expert in the LTAD model at for consultation.

Volleyball Canada’s rationale and policy can be found here.



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